Our Services

L3 offers the first integrated platform to enable expert and non-expert urban innovators to explore possible futures, and evaluate the impact of proposed interventions in real-time according to quantified sustainable development goals (SDG) and enhanced environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance metrics.


L3 community performance metrics build upon SDG goals and enhanced ESG metrics to provide a fine-grained measure of current conditions, and impact of proposals on a community along spatial, social, economic, and environmental dimensions.   

Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 11 was designed as a blueprint to "make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable," but detailed analytics has not been available to quantify progress towards these goals.   Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Metrics are used by investors to assess a company's exposure to environmental, social and governance risks, but conventional ESG ratings do not measure the impact of actions taken by a company on a community where they operate.  


Open datasets, location-based telecom data, and other information are used to evaluate the current performance of a community using our SDG + ESG metrics. The L3 team collect and analyse data to achieve an understanding of demographic and economic conditions, where people live, work and gather, how they commute and move through the community, the systems they interact with, and the energy they consume in buildings and in transit. Collectively, this provides holistic insight into the performance of a community.



Statistical and agent-based models are used to estimate how interventions related to design, infrastructure, public policy, and changes to density, proximity, and diversity impact the performance of a community in multiple dimensions according to L3 community metrics.


Decision support

Tangible platforms enable experts and non-experts to interactively explore urban interventions and converge on a shared vision of the future.
